You see or have heard this countless times in the news and on the radio. People are getting conned by people who stole their identity online. Now their creditworthiness is ruined and possibly their lives as well. They become miserable and not just only a wellspring of anxiety and stress but also depressed. Identity theft is real and the only solution against it is to get some protection. Preventing people from stealing your identity will give you better sleep and peace of mind. Here are some things that you can do to prevent people from hacking into your life and steal your soul—err we mean identity.
Keep your protection updated
It is cheaper to invest in good anti-virus software than to lose your life savings and your creditworthiness to online bandits. If you invest on locks and even security cameras for your home, why not do the same with your computer. If you are doing a lot of things with your computer like banking online or paying bills—then you need to beef up the security since there is money involved.
Become more cunning than the bandit
We have been asked for answers for security questions in case we forget the password. We have done that and forget all about it. But have you stopped and think about the answers? Experts say the most outrageous answers to the question: where you were born would be the wise thing to do. Social engineering is another way to phishing for information that can be valuable for hackers to get into your account. That is why it is best not to be obvious in providing the security answers to the security questions when you signed up.
Be creative with your passwords
The most famous password is “password”. Pretty creative, right. But seriously, you need to really strengthen the passwords that you use in order to make it harder for hackers to get into your account. Mix things up with lower and upper case with numbers and some symbols. This would at least make the hacker think twice before getting into your account. It is also wise to change your password at least every 45 days just to make sure that you will not get compromised. It is better to do it more often.