This article explains the concept of strategic planning in a practical way. Read this article to understand the basic concept of strategic plan template available on the market.
What course is an organization sailing and why? A strategic plan template determines the direction of the organization and clarifies the related decision.
The strategic plan template focuses on the allocation of resources, capital, and people to shape this course. By answering at least one of the following three questions, the organization already gets a good picture of its strategy:
Many organizations see strategic plan template as a process that determines how the organization will develop in the long term. This time span can vary from five to 20 years. For the organizational vision, it is important to first determine where you are now and then to see how you intend to achieve the desired situation. Such an approach is called the IST and SOLL situation. A strategic plan template for the future is linked to the intended result.
Mission, vision and values:
Many organizations start by drawing up a vision and mission and use this as a basis for the formulation of goals and objectives. There is a concrete difference between mission and vision:
Mission (Mission Statement):
Herein lies the fundamental purpose of an organization with regard to the right to exist and to survive. A mission can be set up for any organization. A mission can be set up for many years (long term) or per organization development phase (short term). The timeline of a mission aims to pursue the organizational objectives and adjust them where necessary.
The vision is a part of a strategic plan template, in which the intended future image of an organization is determined. Fundamental and focused objectives are formulated in the vision, which then forms part of the decision-making process. The term ‘vision’ focuses on the long term, whereby an organization creates an image of the future.
Values of an organization:
The values are the beliefs that an organization connects with all stakeholders. These values determine the desired culture of an organization and the corresponding priorities.
Good basis for strategic planning:
A mission statement can be seen as the basis for realizing the vision, in accordance with the core values of an organization. These core values have a direct influence on the success of the organization. But what must first be described, the mission or the vision? That depends on a number of factors.
For a starting organization or deployment of a new product, the vision is the guiding principle, with the rest being part of the strategic plan template. At an established company, the mission guides the vision and the rest of the strategic plan. In addition to the fundamental goals, it is always important to consider the current situation of the organization. Accounting must be taken of internal resources and strengths and / or weaknesses, external circumstances (opportunities and / or threats) and the course that is being taken. It is also important that the desired result is clear from the start.
Business culture part:
In order to work effectively, a vision must be fully incorporated into the organizational culture. Managers can then fall back on the vision and communicate this to employees. In relation to the intended vision and core values, they can show exemplary behavior and create short-term objectives. The mission statement must be continuously subjected to internal and external evaluation, whereby the internal evaluation must focus primarily on how members within the organization interpret the mission statement.
Different levels:
Strategic planning can be translated into objectives that must be implemented within the various hierarchies of an organization. The Top Rank Objectives (TRO) or strategic plan template objectives serve as the basis for the Second Rank or tactical objectives within an organization.
These tactical objectives, in turn, serve as the basis for the Third Grade Objectives, also called operational objectives. At every hierarchical level, it is important to reflect on ‘how’ or how the objective should be implemented, without losing sight of the main objective. Therefore, the question ‘why are we doing it this way’ must always be asked. Only then will there be clear work at every level, with the mission of the organization in mind.