Tech Stack of 5 Popular Billion Dollar Companies

The popularity of Uber is no secret. What began as an idea in two developers’ minds facing a problem while getting a cab in the snowy winter evening is now a famous global brand. It has become one of the most popular cab service brands globally, but it also paved the way for other companies to try their hands in bringing their weird but useful ideas to life. 


In today’s scenario, there is a boom in the market for disruptive technologies. Worldwide, a lot of startups are tweaking their ideas to turn them into usable products. What makes these products succeed in the market is the tech stack’s initial choice for their development. Yes! The choice of the right tech stack is critical as it significantly impacts how an application operates. The tech stack is directly proportional to the limitation or scalability enhancement of any product. It can even affect how users can interact with an application and how many people can access it simultaneously. 


We have made an infographic displaying the tech stack of some famous companies that have brought about a noticeable disruption. These companies are – Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, Snapchat, and Pinterest. The commonality in these companies is that they are the best brands in their niche. This is because of their technology stack, which propels them to be a kingpin in the market. Let’s have a glance at the infographic.


Author Bio –  Hardik Shah works as a Tech Consultant at Simform, a leading app development services. He leads large scale mobility programs covering platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices.


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